Professional advice and unique solutions for managing your assets.
IC GROUP is a traditional consulting, investment and banking international group, based on a team with a strong culture of ownership. We manage assets for strong family investors with an emphasis on a discreet approach, tradition, transparent conduct and unique applied solutions.
The IC GROUP is actively expanding its operations in several parts of the world. Especially in Europe, Malaysia, the Middle East, Central Asia, the Far East and South America, in various consulting, financial or business areas through joint investment or banking activities with our longterm credible partners and investors.
The IC CONSULTING PORTAL is a consulting program that is a pioneer of privately designed hybrid financial and investment program provided at a global level with regard to local specifics, including all consulting services required for the management and development of investor assets and activities.
It consists of a team of experienced specialists providing business, investment consultancy and sophisticated planning. The management of the IC GROUP has the generational experience and high expertise to provide thorough, internationally oriented asset management structures in cooperation with leading not only financial and tax specialists from around the world.
Whether you are looking for advice on relocating your structure, help with asset management planning, financial or banking planning or a long-term strategy for maintaining assets, the IC CONSULTING PORTAL is the right choice.
Thanks to a thorough understanding of the international business of our clients, the IC GROUP is able to provide “central holding management and controlling management” within the IC CONSULTING PORTAL program through management functions performed by professionals based in Great Britain, European Union, Malaysia, Turkey, Hong Kong, America, Arabia or other territories.
The IC INVESTMENT PORTAL is a program of the private investment advisory group IC GROUP. Its mission is to provide clients with innovative products and services that are adapted to their individual needs. We invest primarily in FinTech projects, unique technologies, production, commodities, asset management, software, medicine and art. We are also interested in investments in the areas of investment education, smart tax planning or property protection.
The IC INVESTMENT PORTAL investment entities are licensed prestigious investment companies, funds of qualified investors and specialized funds. As an investor with us, you benefit from the entire portfolio consisting of selected investment projects. The portfolio includes, for example, IC INVESTMENT FUND (“ICIF”) and its subfunds which we prepare together with the investors. With this composition of the portfolio, we achieve a diversified, very stable and at the same time attractive evaluation. Thanks to the IC GROUP's worldwide investment capabilities, it is possible to apply accurate information from key investment markets as part of an analysis of an investor's strategy.
The IC INVESTMENT PORTAL and its fund entities have a combined team of specialists who analyse and study targeted opportunities in a controlled environment which ensures that successful investment decisions are always made with the highest accuracy which serves the set purposes or goals.
A comprehensive solution for bank management of your financial assets. Offer of investments in unique solutions in global, hybrid and private investment banking and investment management. And not only to individuals but also to companies with large business or financial activities and for family investors. Our custom-made approach to asset management includes a range of services, from private banking, management and corporate services, tax planning and structuring, to offshore financial planning for most offshore jurisdictions that are specifically designed to meet your needs. We also offer the possibility of using the unique hybrid functions of the investment banking portal program in the area of financial management, as well as digitizing the investor's assets from the FIAT environment into regulated digital currencies or other block-chain tools.
Investment, development, property, facilities and consulting activities focused on the management, leases, valuation and sales of a comprehensive assets of partners/investors with international standards. We have a very extensive database of assets in different variants and we have an overview of local markets. Our strength is a comprehensive offer in the field of real estate, assets and wealth management (invest, rental, facilities), emphasis on flexibility, analytical thinking and negotiation skills of the most important specialists in the field and family multinational companies with a long tradition. We can profile the client's requirements, consult the ideal solution and select the most relevant offers.
Specializing in investments in petroleum products, precious metals and other commodities. Ability to deliver materials by air, sea, road and rail freight using our extensive network of global partners at branches in London, Dubai, Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong. We provide comprehensive knowledge of oil or metal commodities and strong logistics capabilities. Locating, shipping and supplying companies around the world with all the required commodities is our advantage. In addition, timely delivery worldwide, fulfilment of the most demanding delivery mandates, specialized sourcing, professional provision of the highest quality materials, efficient management, warehousing, excellent service and information between the place of origin and place of consumption that exceed both the supplier's and end user's expectations.
The IC GROUP technology park is located in the very centre of Europe, at the strategic crossroads of the main transport routes and the neighbouring countries of the European Union. The production parks are located near the most famous industrial centres which enable effective cooperation with the key partners of the IC GROUP. The goal of the IC GROUP technology park is to collect unique technologies from all over the world, develop them and apply them to international markets with the attribute of the “traditional brand” known for their quality and high standards, as well as in the neighbouring European Union countries, Turkey, UAE, Malaysia and the USA. We cooperate with prestigious investment and production units in the development or production of unique and timeless technologies in the fields of engineering, automotive, energy, medicine, finance, automation and logistics.
Software platforms, applications and mobile solutions, software testing, in-depth product analysis and management of unique technologies. We participate in the automation of business processes of companies within the IC GROUP and reduce the costs of selling or operating financial products and services.
Solutions aimed at maximizing the returns of unique hi-tech medical technology, research medical centres, pharmaceutical and cosmetic complexes, and at minimizing risks. We select technologies and partners primarily from the circle of partners/investors of the IC GROUP. We have a very extensive database of technologies and projects in different variants where we use information about local markets.
Focusing on long-term returns through investments in global art collections, a growing number of original works of art by prominent contemporary artists, selecting only exceptional painters and sculptors. Furthermore, alternative investments of various categories, which can offer a very narrow circle of investors, especially the possibility of diversification with interesting returns. It approaches alternative investments as a supplement to the portfolio within the products offered by the IC GROUP. Primarily used if the IC GROUP investors have free funds left and investments in them will not jeopardise the fulfilment of the main goals of their strategy.
“We put unique generational client experience with investment assets at the heart of our solutions, and leading family-based private investors can address us with their biggest challenges.”
The IC FINANCIAL PORTAL is a worldwide banking program of the investment group IC GROUP. Depending on the specific jurisdiction in which the IC GROUP operates, the program consists of selected banking partners who cover the scope of activities of key investors of the IC GROUP and its portfolio.
The portal uses a unique hybrid financial structure. It provides its services directly within the prestigious financial programs. Globally important entities within this structure together provide a strong and stable banking background.
Thanks to its international reach, qualified professional management, private banking and related traditions, the IC FINANCIAL PORTAL is a respected group verified by the partners. We are able to offer a comprehensive solution in relation to automated hybrid services, which will allow clients, partners or investors to privately, in a synergic way and above all effectively manage their cash flow, especially in unique investment programs with partners or investors in the management itself, or the direct program executive.
The investor or client use financial services on the highest private basis. For its activities, it applies a payment system without boundaries of the region, place and time, with constant full control of these activities in our system. Thanks to this effect, tax processes or corporate and property strategies can be further optimized to the maximum level.
The IC DIGITAL PORTAL offers high security, transaction speed, and a unique investment environment with a new digital currency created for a regulated banking and fund environment.
Thanks to the use of a hybrid environment and the unique digital STABLE COINS, payments transferred between these two environments are protected against volatility and other undesirable economic effects associated with current blockchain technologies.
It provides a private stock exchange with transactions in a digital regulated currency with a gold standard and fixation to world currencies. We emphasize strict security standards and high speed of payments in the structures of the prestigious programs of IC GROUP. Our digital wallets are monitored in real time,so you always have an overview of the current balance.
Are you starting with digital currency or digital assets?
No problem! It may seem that trading in digital currency, or the digitization of assets itself, looks complicated. We try to confute such ideas and help you with anything in the initial phase. Not only for this reason, you will surely welcome the IC DIGITAL PORTAL concept which is very simple, user-friendly and completely unique in the world of finances.
Continuous global support
We provide global support 24/7/365. Using a nonstop infoline, we connect you to an extensive support centre to ensure your questions are answered and your needs are met - 24 hours a day, no matter who or where you are.
Start receiving payments in digital currency and crypto with confidence. Fully customizable payment gateway that suits your needs. The payments are credited to your bank account or crypto address every business day. Accept crypto or have your payments converted to the required currency and accept, for example, euros, pounds or dollars into your bank account.
The payout solution is a service for payment institutions, wallets, forex brokers, corporations or for the payment of sole traders in digital currency. The payout allows you to automatically send digital payments directly from your available EUR or USD balance. It only takes a few seconds to execute a payout order.
Digitization of assets
A unique solution for the first real digitization of the investor's assets in a regulated environment, a regulated digital currency with a gold standard. Everything takes place in cooperation with regulators and the world's leading family investors.
Digitize, monetize, manage and trade your assets in a regulated digital environment with the IC DIGITAL PORTAL, where the emphasis is primarily on the four basic pillars: speed, reliability, security and unique currency.
The speed of digital payments is important, which is why we ensure that individual transactions take only a fraction of a second.
Our digital wallets are monitored in real time,so you always have an overview of the current balance.
High protection is a priority so all accounts are secured by a two-factor authentication.
Unique currency
When it comes to digitizing your assets, it is possible to exclusively use the first truly 1:1 real ratio backed digital currency.
The investment fund IC INVESTMENT FUND (“ICIF”) is one of the investment programs of traditional family investors within the multinational investment group IC GROUP.
Its partner network operates worldwide and looks for suitable investment opportunities for its clients according to their selected portfolio and the scope of their operations. The ICIF uses regulated hybrid banking structures, and offers investment opportunities to clients worldwide without territorial and time constraints.
In connection with these technologies, the client or investor of this prestigious investment family fund has a regulated financial tool in its portfolio which can reach the first real digitization of the investor's financial services and assets.
The IC INVESTMENT FUND SUB-FUNDs are sub-funds of qualified and retail investors. As an investor with us, you receive income from the entire portfolio composed of selected investment projects which are located in individual sub-funds. The sub-fund portfolio includes the following upcoming
ICIF Financial Solutions
ICIF Asset Management
ICIF Commodity Trade
ICIF Tech Park
ICIF SW Solutions
ICIF Medical Solutions
ICIF Alternative & Art
With this composition of the portfolio, we achieve diversification of investor risks, with a common denominator - a very constant and at the same time attractive evaluation.